HangingHemp Drying. Hemp Drying is an essential step in the entire process. The proper hemp drying equipment selected will influence the quality of the final product greatly. When hemp is properly dried quickly and economically it maximizes both the therapeutic value of the final product, as well as the fiber or herbal product from the actual plants. When Hemp is grown in a controlled environment with minimal amounts of outside interference the final product is extremely high quality with no compromise in the potency or therapeutic benefit. There are three main types of hemp drying technology. First is ԠHemp Drying Invisibly.ԠThis is accomplished by using special lights similar to ӧrow lampsԠthat emit short wave, or spectrum lighting. Hemp Drying invisibly is becoming more popular as Hemp is becoming more mainstream as an industrial hemp crop. The second method is by using Hemp Drying Equipment, also called a Hemp Hang to Hemp Drying Furnace. It is basically a small scale indoor Hemp Drying System. Hemp Drying Furnaces allow you to hang the plants without having them exposed to direct sunlight, and without soil. The Hemp Drying Furnace uses a hydroponic system to provide the lighting required to penetrate the leaves, stems, and roots. Hemp Drying Furnaces generally hang up to ten Hemp plants at a time. These systems are quite similar to a typical hanging vase. The third type of Hemp Drying equipment is an indoor Hemp Drying System similar to an outdoor version. Hemp Drying Centers employ hydroponic systems to provide the Hemp Drying solution. Indoor drying systems provide the indoor environment with Hemp Drying solution through a water-based system. The indoor environment is similar to receiving an outdoor product, however, the Hemp Drying solution dries much faster than Hemp Drying Furnaces or Indoor growing systems. This allows for smaller batches that yield a quality product much faster. Hemp Drying, or hydroponic growing, has become a revolution in many countries across the world. Hemp is considered to be more superior than all other crops when it comes to growing crops that require less water, less soil, and require almost no pest control. Hemp Drying is very similar to a traditional irrigation process, except instead of pulling a plant off of the earthҳ surface, Hemp is cultivated below the surface. Hemp is a ӧreenԠcrop. The use of Hemp Drying, allows for an extended growing season. Hemp is grown in different countries around the world, as well as being cultivated in the United States. In order to extract the Hemp from the plant, different methods are used. For example, some companies will use a mechanical milling machine, Hemp Drying Furnaces, or a combination of both to extract the plant. One way Hemp Drying is different from traditional irrigation is that it does not require plowing the topsoil. Hemp farmers have developed different methods for Hemp Drying, which differ from each region where Hemp grows. Hemp Drying Furnaces are used to dry the Hemp plants, which are hung in a frame, or ԠHemp Drying RackԮ Hanging the Hemp is one method for Hemp Drying that is most often used. Hemp Drying Racks and Hangs are two different methods used by Hemp farmers, the first type of Hemp drying system is called the screen drying system, also referred to as hanger drying. Hemp Drying can take place using the following methods, Hemp Drying Furnace, screen drying machine, manual drying, and vacuum irrigation. Hemp Drying Furnace is the most popular method of drying Hemp because it is the easiest to operate and the most efficient. Hemp Drying Furnace is similar to a clothes dryer, only it dries the Hemp using a special drum that spins to release moisture. Hemp Drying Furnace has a variety of attachments that allow it to be used in different ways, such as hanging or spinning, manual drip irrigation, and screen drying. Hemp Drying Furnace has many advantages including saving water, conserving energy, reducing waste, and reducing the need for chemicals.