
What Really Separates The Rich From The Poor?


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The rich vs. poor debate is one that has been going on for years and it's not likely to end anytime soon. In this video, we are going to show you the difference in perspective between rich and poor people. In today's world, there are two types of people- those who have money and those who don't. You may think that they're all the same, but everything from their mindset to their living conditions differ greatly. And even if you're a person with a lot of cash on hand, it doesn't mean that you won't ever want more, or feel like something is missing because we're humans after all. So let us show you how these 10 different perspectives can change your life for the better or worse depending on what side of the coin you end up on. Number 1: The rich have side businesses or investments, while the poor have a job. The rich have side businesses or investments, while the poor have a job. In today's world, many rich people earn their money from multiple sources other than just working for a company full time. They actually put in effort to create another source of income from things such as stocks, investments and even starting their own business which will bring them even more money in the future. Now when it comes to the poor, this means that they only have one source of income which is their job. And while rich people have more time for themselves in order to pursue other things in life, the poor are stuck with just working all their lives to be able to pay off bills and debts. Number 2: The rich have a lifestyle, while the poor have responsibilities. The rich have a lifestyle, while the poor have responsibilities. To know more, watch full video: