
Positive self-esteem


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We all know that feeling. You wake up in the morning with a knot in your stomach, you don't want to get out of bed because you feel so scared and anxious about your day. The thoughts running through your head are negative and relentless, telling you how worthless and inadequate you are. Everything is going wrong all the time, people think less of you than they should. This is what it feels like to have low self esteem. It's awful but there is hope! With some work on yourself, every aspect of life can change. Today, we are going to show you how positive self esteem can totally transform your life. 11 Ways To Change Your Whole Life With Positive Self Esteem. So what exactly do we mean by positive self-esteem? It means having a healthy sense of who we are as people and knowing our strengths and weaknesses without letting either affect us too much or hold us back from doing what needs to get done. It also means being able to recognize our own accomplishments without feeling like they were handed down on a silver platter or given away easily by someone else. And finally, it means not allowing others' opinions of us dictate how we see ourselves - whether those opinions are good or bad! Instead, positive self-esteem allows us all the freedom in the world (and within reason) while still maintaining control over our lives and happiness at all times! Read? Let's get started. 1. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop the negative self talk. Let's face it, seeing how amazing everyone else is on social media only makes us feel worse about ourselves. And who hasn't looked at their phone or overheard someone talking and thought "I wish I could be like that"? It's an incredibly common habit to do this but the truth of the matter is that you might never actually be like them and that's okay! To know more, watch full video: