The chief information officer (CIO) has a vital role in a companyҳ technology infrastructure. He or she is responsible for monitoring and enforcing cybersecurity controls and frameworks for vendors. It is important for the CIO to understand the business requirements and the importance of technology to ensure the company remains competitive. Having knowledge of how to communicate in technical terms is important as well. Listed below are some things that a CIO needs to know to be successful in this role. The role of a CIO is multifaceted. A typical CIO spends 25% of his or her time collaborating with other executives and business leaders. A further 30% is spent leading the IT leadership team and managing IT staff activities. A further 20% of their time is spent engaging with external stakeholders and industry analysts. In addition to these tasks, a CIO will be responsible for directing the strategic direction of the organization through technology. If the job sounds like it would be right for you, consider these tips and start working on your personal brand. The CIO plays a key role in the organizationҳ IT strategy. He or she leads the IS department, evaluates their performance, and collaborates with executive leaders and the board. Additionally, he or she is responsible for preparing the organizationҳ IT budget. In addition, the CIO must prepare a detailed budget for IT and get approval from the board of directors. The job of a CIO is very challenging, and a successful one requires a thorough knowledge of business and technology. The postWhat Does a Chief Information Officer (CIO) Do? appeared first onSMB Place.