There are many benefits to taking creatine, but not all of these benefits can be attributed to creatine. For that reason, there are several studies examining the effects of creatine on the body. Researchers Stokes T, Phillips SM, and Stout JR have all published studies supporting the benefits of creatine for athletes. For more information on creatine, read their research reviews. In this article, we discuss the benefits and side effects of creatine. Taking creatine While there is limited research to support the use of creatine for specific medical conditions, creatine supplements can boost the bodyҳ ability to perform. In fact, it is used to treat several conditions including COPD, bipolar disorder, high cholesterol, and muscle disease. However, it should not be used as a substitute for medication, which you should consult a doctor before taking. There are also a number of side effects to be aware of before starting a creatine supplementation program. While creatine is naturally present in the human body, taking it as a nutritional supplement seems to be safe, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate these supplements, so the amount of creatine in a product can differ. Furthermore, the amount of other ingredients added to creatine supplements also varies from brand to brand, and there are no safety standards in place to ensure the safety of your supplement. The standard dosage of creatine for maintenance is three to five grams per day, but higher dosages have not been studied for long-term safety and may have side effects. You should consult with a dietitian or doctor before increasing the amount of creatine in your diet. It is important to ensure that you consume enough water each day and engage in regular physical activity. Taking creatine is beneficial for older people, vegetarians, and people who train regularly. Studies have found that taking creatine supplements can increase muscle mass and improve strength. Creatine increases phosphocreatine, a form of stored energy in cells, to produce high-energy molecules known as ATP. ATP is the bodyҳ energy currency and the more phosphocreatine your muscles have, the better you will perform during intense exercises. Furthermore, creatine supplements can increase the availability of phosphocreatine in your muscles, resulting in increased ATP production and a stronger body. Although it is not known whether creatine can increase the levels of high energy phosphates in the body, studies have indicated that it can increase the rate at which creatine phosphates are used in the body, which is necessary for high-intensity exercise. Moreover, if you perform strength training, you will have more energy during the entire exercise period and will experience less fatigue afterward. Taking creatine will not alter your energy level in endurance-type aerobic activities, but it can boost your performance during short-term high-intensity workouts. In vitro studies have shown that creatine has antioxidant properties. In addition to this, creatine is a substrate for the production of nitric oxide, which is a powerful free radical with increased vasodilation properties. Furthermore, it increases glucose uptake and blood flow. If these studies are confirmed in humans, it may be a good idea to add creatine to your daily supplement regimen. But be careful when taking creatine supplements, especially if you have a health condition. Side effects Creatine may affect the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter found in the brain and blood platelets. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in mood, sleep, learning, and motivation. Excessive creatine levels in the brain can suppress serotonin production, causing weight gain, decreased insulin secretion, and depression. In these cases, it is best to avoid creatine supplements and consult your doctor. Creatine supplements have a small amount of potential side effects. In a study in mice, creatine supplementation increased brain phosphocreatine levels by around 25%. In the same study, creatine also improved motor function and decreased muscle loss in mice with Huntingtonҳ disease. Although more research needs to be done on humans, some researchers believe that creatine supplements may serve as a protective shield against neurological diseases. This supplement may be a good option for individuals with Parkinsonҳ disease or ALS. Some creatine supplements may cause diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping. People with certain allergies may also have allergic reactions to creatine. If you are prone to such allergies, creatine is not a good choice. Moreover, creatine may affect the digestion of certain sugars and carbohydrates. Especially fructose may be affected by creatine. To avoid any possible adverse reactions, it is best to spread the intake over the day. Creatine supplements should be taken with caution, and there are potential side effects for those taking certain medications. Some individuals may experience compartment syndrome, a condition where excessive pressure builds up in a closed space, such as the arm or leg muscles. However, no scientific evidence has been found to link creatine supplements with compartment syndrome. Although there is conflicting evidence, some individuals believe creatine can actually reduce the risk of muscle injury. But this is still controversial. In studies, creatine supplementation increased exercise capacity for patients with heart failure. Creatine also increased muscle strength and body weight in people with heart failure. Creatine also lowers homocysteine, a substance linked with heart disease and heart attacks. Several preliminary studies have also indicated that creatine may be useful in treating cancer. While it is still too early to determine the benefits of creatine for heart failure, it is an effective muscle-building supplement. Although many rogue media sources have reported the adverse effects of creatine, these stories are unfounded. Although creatine supplementation may increase blood levels of creatinine, creatine does not cause any adverse effects on kidney function. In fact, it has been studied for more than five years and has never caused a single fatality. Although creatine supplements can cause gastrointestinal issues, they are rarely fatal. The benefits of creatine supplementation are well worth the risk. A number of adverse effects have been reported when creatine is taken in large doses. Some users have experienced weight gain, bloating, and cramping, among other side effects. For these people, creatine supplementation may be too risky. The International Society of Sports Nutrition deems creatine to be safe and beneficial. In fact, creatine has been used as a treatment for a wide range of diseases. But while creatine can cause serious side effects, it is unlikely to negatively affect the patient. Dosage Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is found in small amounts in our diet. Creatine is most abundant in red meat and fish, but the normal dietary intake of this compound is only about 1 gram. VegetariansҠintakes are significantly lower. Supplemental creatine is produced in a laboratory. It comes in various forms, the most common being creatine monohydrate. Creatine ethyl ester is the next most researched form. Creatine dosage should be between three and five grams per day, depending on the desired effect. However, for maximum creatine effects, users should take five to ten grams per day. This is the standard safe dosage for athletes, although higher dosages are recommended for those with high muscle mass or those who do not eat meat. While the recommended dosage for healthy adults is between three to five grams per day, higher doses are recommended for those with large muscle mass. Dosage of creatine can be determined according to the desired effect. One dose of creatine per day is equivalent to twenty grams per day, but athletes should be careful not to exceed that amount. Excessive intake of creatine can lead to diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress. Therefore, athletes should focus on smaller dosages during the loading phase and should avoid taking more than 10 grams per day. And, creatine monohydrate has the highest concentration of creatine, but is less water-soluble than creatine pyruvate. The effects of creatine supplementation in athletes are not as apparent in young people, as they were in the placebo group. However, creatine supplementation with resistance exercises resulted in increased TBW and ICW volumes, similar to those of the group taking placebo. Nonetheless, the ratio of skeletal muscle mass to ICW remained the same. Moreover, creatine supplementation may improve recovery after aerobic exercise. And the benefits are also similar to the effects seen with other natural creatine supplements, although the results of the supplementation in men and women are still inconsistent. The benefits of creatine are not only physical, but mental as well. Creatine boosts energy levels in muscle cells, which is necessary for increased strength and muscular mass. It also helps muscle cells replace ATP, which is the currency of muscle cells. It also helps in the energy metabolism, especially for short bursts of intense energy. Thus, creatine is an excellent choice for athletes. When used correctly, creatine has positive effects in improving workouts, increasing lean body mass, and protecting the body from various diseases. In recent research, supplementation with creatine decreased the frequency of muscle cramping and improved overall performance in high-intensity exercise. This compound can be useful in increasing muscle size and diameter, but it is important to understand the limitations of the supplement. There are also risks of creatine supplementation. Moreover, it can cause dehydration and cramping in some users. It is best to consult a medical professional before taking creatine.