The Digital Supply Chain road, or Supply Chain 4.0, is the path to the future. Enabled by highly publicized technologies such as Blockchain, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Autonomous Vehicles, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual/Augmented Reality, 3D Printing and more the Digital Supply Chain holds great promise and exciting opportunities. But even with established ŠContinue reading The Digital Supply Chain Road is Full of Potholes, Construction and Accidents!The post The Digital Supply Chain Road is Full of Potholes, Construction and Accidents! appeared first on Supply Chain Game Changerي
Ray Lewis joins CBS Sports HQ to preview NFL's Super Wild Card Weekend!0:00-3:20 Patriots vs Bills3:21-5:51 49ers vs Cowboys5:52-9:44 Chiefs vs SteelersSUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL:
Why Recruiters Should Be Prizing Silver Medalists

Itҳ a jobseekerҳ market right now, and businesses in all verticals are struggling to hire the talent they need. For HR teams and recruiters, the challenge is real and millions of positions are going unfilled.ࠔhe ӧreat resignationԠis playing a part in making life harder for recruiters. The US saw almost 4 million voluntaryThe post Why Recruiters Should Be Prizing Silver Medalists appeared first on Hppy
I’m a Doctor and Warn You Don’t Enter Here This Week

Omicron cases continue to spike in many areas across the U.S. and hospitals are still...The post I'm a Doctor and Warn You Don't Enter Here This Week appeared first on Eat This Not That
The 2022 MarTech Salary and Career Survey will explore how compensation and marketing roles have changed during the pandemic.The post Help us understand how marketing salaries and roles have changed: Take our survey appeared first on MarTech
Most people know China as the worldҳ largest toy exporter due to its solid manufacturing reputation especially in the southeastern provinces. Indeed, in 2020 China exported $72 billion USD worth of toy products, miles ahead of the 2nd place ֠Germanyҳ $6 billion USD. However, China also has the worldҳ largest toys market, valued at [ŝThis article Chinaҳ Toys Market in 2022: Chaowan, high-tech, and parent-child games is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China
Medical experts will provide more information about COVID-19 updates and the mental health effects of COVID on children. This webinar was recorded on January 25, 2022. Disclaimer: This information was provided to educate and inform you, and is not i [...]
The Rise of White Extremism: USA, Canada and Europe

Canada is experiencing something like the USҳ January 6th event in whatҳ being called a Ӗaccine ProtestԠand a ӆreedom Convoy 2022Ԭ alluding to it being made up largely of truckers. To my uninformed eye, this looks very much like the January 6th event (prior to the storming of the capital) because it seems to be about muchŠ