Coronavirus Chronicles — A Few More Ethnic Implications

A previous post mentioned ӗhen Pandemics Collide: The Impact of COVID-19 on Childhood Obesity.ԠThese authors are among many who make the same..
Organizations need to be aware that harassment does still continue through remote means. But there are ways to surface those issues and stop them writes guest author and AllVoices CEO Claire Schmidt.
Five Inventory Management Tips For Manufacturing SMBs

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Coronavirus Chronicles — Ethnic Implications

Quick recap: Obesity and coronavirus are mutually beneficial. They create and select victims for each other. In the U.S., some ethnic and minority..
Giving thanks

The wonderful, dangerous winter holidays are here, and even in multicultural America they all share similar traits; in fact, one overwhelmingly..
Retail fraud occurs in a myriad of ways and can be difficult to track and measure. A study from the National Retail Federation reports $61.7 billion..
American football has long been a sport riddled with debate and criticism. Surely weҶe all heard of Colin Kaepernick, who protested police brutality
COVID-19 The Eye of the Storm. Should the immunosuppressed take the blame?

This is not directly related to MS so read if intested dont if you are not interested I was teaching on friday and got a meal voucher for the Cafeųo I went in to get a few cans of pop for ProfK and was amazed to see all the perspex shielding that stops the Cafe [ŝ
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