Bolivian coca growers retake their headquarters after pushing back the Police

Bolivian coca growers retake their headquarters after pushing back the PoliceLa Paz, Oct 4 (EFE) .- Bolivian coca leaf producers opposed to a leader who they point to as related to the Government of Luis Arce resumed their headquarters and the legal market for the sale of the plant in La Paz on Monday after a new skirmish with the Police.
How Dave Lorenzo became the Godfather of Growth

SUBSCRIBE Lorenzo is The Godfather of GrowthIf you are asking yourself the question:..
Hutchins Roundup – Firm uncertainty, standardized test scores and more

By Sophia Campbell, Lorena Hernandez Barcena, Nasiha Salwati, Louise SheinerWhatҳ the latest thinking in fiscal and monetary policy?..
11 Simple Exercises That Show Results After Just 1 Workout

Looking forward to getting healthier? Exercise can help you a lot. But if youҲe a beginner, we recommend you donҴ head dive into tough workout..
Software Sales Life Balance

LinkedIn Reasons Why Software Sales is a Good Career
Editorҳ note: This article is among our most popular, so weҶe updated it recently to keep things fresh.My choice to jump into the cloudA time of..
New Zealand isn’t a fool when it comes to COVID

New Zealand is in lockdownסgain. Residents are required to stay home, and most are only allowed out for groceries or exercise. The government locked
The ADHD Brain

The ADHD Neuro DifferenceOver the years, much ha been written about the behavioral aspects of ADHD. But only recently have scientists begun to get a..
Reef ghost kitchens make food for major chains like Burger King and Wendy’s נand some insiders say they are rife with problems

"Our team was deadly afraid to work every day because they thought their face will get burned off," one former employee said.

Robert Igler is Disneyҳ second in command and CEO. In his 48-year career Bob Iger went from the lowest possible position in television, to the CEO..