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10 Ways to Increase Walk-Ins at Your Retail Store

If youҲe a brick and mortar merchant, weҲe willing to bet that youҲe constantly cooking up ways on how to increase walk-ins in your retail store.ࠠ
Personal branding is the best way to reach more audiences and create a global persona. Your customers want to feel connected to you, and that connection helps build trust. Do you remember when only celebrities and major companies had personal brands? Actors, musicians, Fortune 100 businesses, and athletes got all the attention and dominated the [ŝ
Empathy: A Magic Wand to Connect with Complex Kids & Teens

ӗhat is Empathy? And why is it VERY different from sympathy? Empathy fuels connection. Sympathy drives disconnection.Ԡ~Brene Brown When we are connected with our kids, we can engage with them, teach them, support them, empower them, and ultimately guide them to independence and success. It takes time, but as long as we're connected, weŔhe post Empathy: A Magic Wand to Connect with Complex Kids & Teens appeared first on ImpactParents
You have worked with an excellent resume template. You have also filled in the template with all your glorious achievements and skills. Now, itҳ time to polish your executive resume to perfection with a touch of final editing and proofreading. Executive roles are often the most competitive ones, and you can be sure that your competitors have likely armed themselves with professionally written resumes.ץ all know that unintended grammar and spelling mistakes are common and must be avoided. In fact, 77% of hiring managers reported rejecting resumes because of that. But executives are usually aware of this and do enough proofreading to fix typos.ӯ, what other common mistakes do executives make? Keep an eye out for these common mistakes that frequently haunt executive resumes!ReadabilityAlthough often ignored, readability is a critical factor for a resume. A resume should readily have all the vital information apparent and clear so the hiring manager can get an overview of what matters in just a few
seconds.ծfortunately, many executives sacrifice readability in an attempt to squeeze their long and successful career history into those two pages. In doing so, they often end up having boring and tedious paragraphs that are not easily readable. But hiring managers are some of the busiest people youҬl encounter. You donҴ want to go that route with them. They will simply push your resume aside in favor of a more inviting one.ԯ increase the readability of your resume, only include targeted information specifically customized for the role you are applying for. Also, use varied presentation styles such as mixing paragraphs and bullet points for each section of your resume.ࠉmproper LengthGoing overboard on the amount of information presented and pages usedࠩs a common mistake executives make on their resumes.ࠗhile attempting to accommodate all the years of their career, the resume ends up being too lengthy. Frankly speaking, hiring managers that will actually read the third page of your resume are as rare
as unicorns. And it could be that some of the most relevant information for the potential position was, in fact, on that third page.s long as you are not creating a CV, stick to writing a two-page resume, at most.gain, follow the tried and true method of adding only the most relevant and critical information for the job to which you are applying. Also, only include your experience of up to the past 10-15 years. It usually doesnҴ help to go any further back.Not Quantifying Your AccomplishmentsIt's unfortunate that so many executives miss out on the powerful benefits of quantifying their accomplishments.٥s, it might require brainstorming and a bit of digging into the data of your past projects. But the benefits of quantifiable accomplishments on a resume can make all the difference for you. Data and numbers easily pop out and catch the attention of the reader. Moreover, they offer tangible proof of your capabilities and the true impact of your accomplishments.ԡke, for example, these two accomplishment
statements on a resume:ҥstructured the marketing team and the workflow to maximize productivity and cost-efficiency.ࠒestructured the marketing team of 25 members and their workflow, resulting in 18% faster campaign launches and 10% cost reduction.The quantifiable data on the second one will provide proof of your success and would certainly fare far better than the first in impressing the hiring manager.Not Demonstrating Your ValueYou have all the skills required for the job and you have years of relevant experience under your belt. But this wonҴ matter if your resume fails to effectively demonstrate your value.ࠕnfortunately, we see many executivesҠresumes severely lacking on this front.Ӕhe most common mistake that I see in executive resumes is not tailoring it for the role and industry that they are seeking. Executives tend to have years of experience, sometimes in various sectors. It is important to ensure that the content reflects how they are a fit for that position, not just a summary of their
career highlights,Ԡaccording to Emily Wittig, Manager of Find My Profession's Career Finder services.ɴҳ partly because thereҳ a significant amount of brainstorming involved. Also, the subtle nuances of experience and accomplishments can make it difficult to decide what to include and what not to include.ɴ comes down to thoroughly evaluating your professional journey and uncovering the bits and pieces that resonate with what the employers want. Then, leverage those skills, projects, and achievements in your resume to demonstrate what you bring to the table for that specific job. This is the recipe for a precisely targeted resume that lands interviews.ͩssing Keywords Related to Job PostingThe knowledge of the applicant tracking systems (ATS) is something many job seekers lack, or they simply seem not to care. But ATS is very important in todayҳ hiring scene. Even small businesses are increasingly using ATS to filter resumes. Thatҳ why even after fulfilling all the requirements, not using the right
keywords at the right places of your resume can be a deal-breaker.Ưrtunately, itҳ not as complicated as it seems. Itҳ just a bit of extra work to find out the keywords most likely to be fed into the ATS in question. A thorough scan of the job post and description is enough to offer insights into all the keywords you need. Make sure to incorporate those keywords into your resume headline, summary, skills, and experience sections. No ATS should reject your resume now!ìosing ThoughtsMistakes can be good in a sense, especially when we learn from them. But mistakes on a resume are something you want to avoid at all costs.ࠁs a busy executive, itҳ natural that you might not be able to put in the extensive time commitment required to craft a perfect resume. Consider getting an executive resume writer to help you with the process. Having a professional by your side will ensure your resume doesnҴ suffer from these common mistakes.
Learn how to add link stickers and use Instagram to grow your business: the removal of the Instagram Swipe Up feature, Link Stickers are the new kid o [ŝ
Amazon Web Services this week is holding its first re:Invent conference without Andy Jassy at the helm of the tech giantҳ cloud unit. The traditional keynote address Tuesday morning will be delivered by Adam Selipsky, who returned to AWS this year as its CEO after Jassy was named to succeed Jeff Bezos as Amazon CEO. Seplisky, previously Tableau Software CEO, gave a preview of two new directions for AWS in interviews prior to the event. First, he said AWS plans to offer more high-level ӨorizontalԠservices that can be used across a variety of industries, expanding its business further beyondŠRead More
Editorҳ note: This post has been updated with new information.Heads up: This is your last chance to apply for the IHGewards Club Premier Credit..
If you are on my list, you do have some problems with closing clients, I mean closing BETTER CLIENTS.But it shouldnҴ be the case, right?I mean you deserve a happy and prosperous life not worrying about going after clients 24x7.