NCLD 2021 Anne Ford Scholarship Winner

Jocelynn Dow is one of the 2021 Anne Ford scholarship winners. #Forces4LDThe Anne Ford Scholarship is a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year over four..
Academy-award nominated My Left Foot (1989) garnered a best actor Oscar for Daniel Day-Lewis who portrays author and artist Christy Brown and a best..
Brain Balance of Jacksonville Students Share What They’re Thankful for This Year!

See the amazing students from Brain Balance of Jacksonville share what they're thankful for this year. "Thank you for raising me, mom and dad!"
Coronavirus Chronicles – More Care Is Required

South Africa has a new COVID variant, and it could soon be found all over the world. We must ensure that our healthcare professionals are aware of this. The post Coronavirus Chronicles - More Care Is Required First appeared on
The Supply Chain Gender Pay Gap Is Narrowing

Pay gap article and permission to publish here provided by Sam White at On the Argentus Blog, weҲe always looking to shine the light on various aspects of the talent picture within the Supply Chain Management field ֠whether itҳring trends,੮telligenceࡢout important skills, or the੮dustryҳ responseയ emerging issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. But ŠContinue reading "The Supply Chain Gender Pay Gap is Narrowing!"The post The Supply Chain Gender Pay Gap is Narrowing! appeared first on Supply Chain Game Changerي

Let me show you the beauty of my sonҳ world. And how my perspective has greatly changed over the years.A few days ago, Cooper, who is 10, began..
Online Shopping For Appliances

Online Shopping For Appliances The Internet is an excellent option for consumers who are looking to purchase appliances. From small appliances like toasters to large appliances like refrigerators shoppers can find a variety of options available to them from online retailers. This article will discuss some aspects of shopping for appliances online including popular online retailers of appliances, tips for comparison shopping for appliances online and special considerations when shopping for appliances online. Popular Online Retailers of Appliances There are many retailers of appliances who sell appliances online. The majority of these retailers also have stores located in a variety of locations. However, the appliances are also offered online which makes shopping for these appliances even more convenient for the consumer. Some of the popular retailers of appliances include The Home Depot, Best Buy and Loweҳ. Although all of these retailers have traditional stores where consumers can purchase appliances, the stores also offer a variety of appliances for sale online as well. Appliances for all parts of the home including refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, washers, dryers, air conditions and heating systems can all be found on these and other websites. Consumers who opt to purchase an appliance online may have a number of choices available to them including having the product delivered or picking up the product from a store. Comparison Shopping for Appliances Online Consumers can use websites provided by online retailers for comparison shopping purposes even if they intend to make their purchase from a traditional store. Traditional stores which also have an online store typically offer the same products in their online store which are available in the traditional store. As a result consumers can visit the online retailers for several different stores to browse the inventory available. Consumers can then print out information about the products available including the features and prices of the appliances and use these print outs to make comparisons of products. The alternative to this method of comparison shopping would be for the consumer to visit all of the local stores offering appliances and compile the information. The information obtained will likely be exactly the same but the consumer will spend considerably more time comparison shopping at traditional stores than they would online. This is especially true if the stores are spread out and the consumer has to
travel a considerable distance to compile the information necessary for comparison shopping. Special Considerations when Shopping for Appliances Online There are some special considerations for consumers who wish to shop for appliances online. Typically one of the major advantages of online shopping is the ability to shop at retailers located around the world. However, when purchasing large appliances there may be considerable shipping or delivery charges applicable to the purchase. Another factor to carefully consider when purchasing appliances online is the measurements of the appliance. Most online retailers provide all of the necessary measurements in the product description. However, if all of these measurements are not provided the consumer should contact customer service for the additional information. This will help to ensure the appliance fits properly in the available space. It will also help to prevent the consumer from having to return the appliance. This can be a costly mistake because there will likely be a fee involved with either having the appliance picked up or shipping the appliance back to the online retailers.
They don’t need words

These two had it out last night.Like brothers have been known to do.It was over an iPad.There was a truck involved too.Lots of screaming and..
How can I be expected to not miss him?

I brought my son Sawyer to skate night last night. A school event at a local roller skating rink. There was pizza and music and arcade games..