6 Woodworking tips & tricks for beginners View all my woodworking plans Tools used in this video: ******Affiliate Links****** ֠Miter saw ֠Metal Rulers ֠Empire Square ֠Forstner bit ӱ 3/8 Ԡ ֠Milwaukee Drill ֠Rockler glue bottle ֠Table Saw ֠Bandy Clamps ֠Orange clamps ֠Dowel Jigs ӆreeԠPlans for the Chair in the video: Woodworking Plans (Big Bundle) In this video, I covered 6 tips and tricks to help out beginners. ֠Making a center marking gauge ֠Bandy clamp hack ֠Right angle clamp jig ֠Miter saw tip ֠Glue tip ֠Dowel Hack **********Subscribe & Support ********** Subscribe & to my YOUTUBE ӒING the BellԺ Instagram: Pinterest: Help me make more Video: #woodworkingforbeginners #tipsandtricks