About this Item Berberine is one of the most effective supplements available, and BeBalanced is an advanced formula of Berberine HCL from wild-crafted Indian Barberry, with 500mg in each veggie capsule, and the B vitamin Biotin and the mineral Chromium The ONE #BeBalanced Berberineҳ superpower is its ability to activate the enzyme AMPK (adenosine monophosphate kinase), known as the ӭetabolic master switchԼ/span> Just take 2 capsules daily and enjoy all the benefits of berberine Access to good health should be a right for all. When quality and price matter, The ONE, Nutrition Just for You is a brand you can trust to provide the highest quality nutrients for you and your family. Value-priced and sold where you shop, The ONE, Nutrition Just for You is truly made just for you.