This never-done-before book provides step by step instructions for designing, building and effectively operating a grow room. There are hundreds of books available for growing the plants but.... there are no in depth guides available to help with the first step.... building the growroom.Whether you are planning a project or already operating a growroom this book will arm you with all of the necessary details for space selection, equipment selection, equipment costs, room construction, equipment locations, electrical requirements, operating guidelines, utility costs, supply costs and revenue estimates.Beginning growers can save thousands of dollars in costly mistakes with the information in this unique book. Experienced growers can save even more with just a few of the innovative operating techniques detailed within.Whether you are considering a grow closet, a grow tent, a bedroom grow, a garage grow, a warehouse grow, a shipping container grow or a greenhouse grow this book provides project photographs - cost summaries - worksheets - diagrams and narratives to ensure that nothing is overlooked.Armed with this book you can duplicate any project within or create a similar project by simply taking this book to your grow shop to your DIY store and to your builder. If you are seeking investors for your project this book will ensure that you are well prepared with all of the necessary information to plan, execute, forecast and operate a profitable enterprise.