Golf tips ՠinstruction ՠlessons ՠ | Http:// Munashe has a super workout for us that is both easy to perform and highly effective for full body activation of kinetic chain, strength support in upper carriage and reaction and coordination to the swing of the weight of the kettle bell. A real WISDOM IN GOLF-WISDOM IN MOVEMENT WINNER!! Exercise 1-squat to upright row-3 sets of 8 reps (45 to 60 second rest) Exercise 2-atlas swing-4 swings per side for a total of 8 times 3 sets (45-60 seconds rest) Exercise 3-squat to overhead press (one arm each side) 4 reps per side times 3 sets (same rest) Exercise 4-standing row (make sure you follow the video) 8 reps per side times 3 sets (same rest) Exercise 4-alternating plank taps 5 taps per side times 3 sets (same rest) That was so much fun!! We will get some background music for the next one!