Protein powder can help individuals lose weight, build muscle, have more energy, and perform their very best. In The Ultimate Protein Powder Cookbook, Anna Sward, author of the celebrated blog Protein Pow, shares delicious ways to add protein to anyoneҳ diet that go beyond tossing a scoop of powder into the blender. Protein powders can also be used to make an infinite variety of healthy and delicious foodsצrom protein bars to breads, quiches, pizza, muffins, pancakes, cookies, cakes, and more״hat will satisfy taste buds while promoting health and optimal fitness. Readers will feel and perform their best with more than 150 easy-to-follow recipes, including: Banana & Chocolate Protein Waffles Mexican Chocolate Protein Muffins Tuna Burgers with Protein Powder Buns Pumpkin Macaroni & Cheese