In todayҳ intense hiring world, many employers deploy pre-screening steps before inviting candidates for longer interviews. When a candidateҳ cover letter and resume are appealing to the recruiter, they are usually asked to participate in a preliminary interview or phone screeningWhat is a preliminary interview? At its most basic, this first-round interview is typically no longer than 30 minutes and takes place either on the phone or via a webcam. Candidates typically have skills and experience attractive to the company, but hiring managers want to ensure that they also can glean more information about a candidatesҠfit for a position, interest in the role, and personality.Ԩe goal of the preliminary interview, then, is to make sure the employer isnҴ wasting time on an unsuitable candidate in an in-person or more in-depth virtual interview.ӯ, if youҲe invited to a preliminary interview, itҳ important to sell your skills, qualifications, and interest in the role as efficiently as possible. Here, weҬl
talk about some of the most common preliminary interview questions and the most effective ways to answer them.ԥll me about yourself.This question may seem simple, but it actually is extremely useful for hiring managers. Your goal here is to discuss your experience and professional history as it relates to the position at hand. If you are changing careers or this position would be a step up, be sure to mention how the role would fit into your ideal professional trajectory.ٯu may also decide to convey a little about who you are outside of work. Perhaps you decide to mention your interest in bird watching or painting outside of work.Why are you interested in this position?This question aims to ascertain how excited you are about the role. Is it towards the bottom of your list? Are you able to convey passion and enthusiasm about the role?ɮ other words, view this question as an opportunity. First, it lets you discuss what drew you to the role in the first place and how it would offer you a step up on the career
ladder. Whatҳ more, the question gives you the chance to describe how the role would let you build on the competencies you have already begun developing.ɮ other words, your response to this question should convey both your enthusiasm for the position and the skills youҬl bring to the role.רat attracted you to our company?Even if youҲe only on the first interview round, you nevertheless want to research the company before the preliminary interview.áreer Stylist Kelly Studer advises, Ӕhe recruiter wants to hear you sell back to them the companyҳ value proposition in a genuinely excited way. Make sure you can clearly articulate how they are positioned in the marketplace, what you like about them that has them stand out from the competition, and why you want to be a part of it.ԗhat makes you want to leave your current, or previous, role?When answering this question, Studer recommends focusing only 10 percent on the role youҲe currently in and another 90 percent on how the position fits into your career
future. The goal, then, is to convey your excitement about the role, as well as mentioning how significant the position would be in furthering your career.¥ honest, like, for instance, if you were laid off from your previous role. But donҴ veer into the negative, like saying how your previous job bored you or that you didnҴ get along with your manager.ԥll me about your strengths and weaknesses.In answering this question, you want to tailor your response to the job at hand. Identify the strengths that would make you successful in the role, and prepare examples that also convey these strengths in action.s for weaknesses, mention a few minor - yet sincere - weaknesses that you have discovered in yourself. These should be weaknesses that wonҴ detract from your ability to perform the role successfully. Whatҳ more, you should choose weaknesses that you have already taken steps to improve on.ȯw does this role fit into your long-term professional growth?Recruiters often ask this question to see if this role
fits into your career trajectory. They want to know this for a few reasons. First, would you perceive this job as only a pitstop on the road to more appealing opportunities? Second, is the position relevant enough to you that youҬl continue learning and developing in service to your ambitionNailing the Preliminary InterviewThe key to success in a preliminary interview is to convince the hiring manager that you have experience required by the position and excitement about the position and company. Though you only have 30 minutes to convey this message to your interviewer, questions asked are usually fairly straightforward. This means that you can prepare answers to all of the questions above, and then drop in your answers when appropriate. Be sure to practice giving clear, succinct answers that incorporate specific examples.