
things smart people do


7 things smart people do differently than others


how to be smart


how to be smart in life


how to be smarter


how to become smart


intelligent people


millionaire traits


smart people


things smart people do  
We all want to come off as smart and intelligent people. But what exactly does being smart mean? Is it doing good in your career? Is it memorizing a lot of facts? Is it having an above average IQ? Is it making the best possible decision during crucial moments? Or is it planning ahead and deciding the best course of action for the future? Well, explaining exactly what ‘being smart’ can be hard but it’s pretty much the perfect blend of all the traits we just mentioned. Of course, when we see a successful or smart person, it’s hard to exactly pinpoint what made them get here. But they all have some things in common. They all have similar habits. So, what exactly are these habits that smart people have? How to be smarter? Well, stay tuned in till the end of the video because today, I’ll tell you 7 thing smart people do that most of us probably don’t. Before we get into the video, be sure to like this video, subscribe and leave a comment below saying "I subscribed" and we will personally reply to your comment. Number 1: They consider themselves the least informed in any room. Whenever you walk in a room, you’re actually walking into a million possibilities. You’re walking into so many new things that you can learn. But if you walk in thinking you’re the smartest in the room, you close yourself to these possibilities. You assume you already know everything the room has to offer. You assume you can’t learn anything new. But smart people always walk into a room thinking they’ll learn new things here. They assume they’re the least informed person there. That opens up them to learning. Even if the room is discussing things they already know, they might learn things from a whole different perspective. And that’s why you should never assume you know it all. The World is huge and you should never shut yourself off from learning new things. Number 2: They don’t heavily rely on other people. All of us have friends or family members we trust. We think we can always rely on them. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone needs someone they can rely on when needed. But when you start heavily relying on the presence of one person, you come off as powerless. Sure, if you think there is a problem you just can’t solve, it’s good to go and seek help. But before you go to another person, you need to think of ways to solve it yourself. Some of us are always seeking help and never letting our mind open up to find a solution itself. That’s never a smart decision. That’s why you should take time and think of a solution on your own. And of course, if you think you can’t come up with something, you can reach out to another person. To know more, watch full video: