I get asked so often for alternatives to meat and dairy for healthy proteins, so I wanted to make this video so that choosing vegan protein options isnҴ complicated and you know which ones are best and why. But it is also important to know that plant-based proteins arenҴ all the same. Click here to SUBSCRIBE to this channel:http://bit.ly/1ykBnSG Reduce your inflammation, feel amazing in your body, and lose weight in the next 30 days with my 30 Day Healthy program. Learn more athttps://cleanish.com/collections/programs/products/30-day-healthy RECOMMENDED VIDEOS: ֠5-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDzW2-Uc0gY
/>- What I Eat in a Day:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZd6ByEH6to
/>- Intermittent Fasting Guide for Women:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZd6ByEH6to
/>- Does ACV Help with Weight Loss:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8xdJTa46Nc
/>- 10 Foods That Cause Inflammation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVK1Q1iwGjU
Cleanish Apparel & Protein:https://www.cleanish.com/
Best Sports Bra Ever:https://kftbrands.com/collections/freedom-bras
90-Day The Cleanish Movement Program:https://cleanishmovement.com/
30-Day Healthy Program:https://30dayhealthy.com/
Clean Eating Cookbook:https://www.asweetpeachef.com/amazon-cookbook/ #veganprotein #plantbasedprotein #highproteinvegan
Ultimate Guide to Vegan Protein Substitutes | BEST Vegan Protein Sources
