SMBS.Solutions Thursday, Mar 17, 2022 A time when outbound marketing was the norm was long gone. In those days, companies chased potential customers without knowing whether or not they.. title A time when outbound marketing was the norm was long gone. In those days, companies chased potential customers without knowing whether or not they were interested in buying their product. However, with the advent of new communication technologies and the digital transformation, marketing has taken on new shapes. To illustrate this evolution, HubSpot published a timeline of marketing advances. In 1450, Gutenberg invented the printing press, revolutionizing the book industry. In 1730, the first American magazine is published in Philadelphia. In 1839, posters were so popular that they were banned. Using the power of social media, companies can connect with consumers by engaging with them on a personal level. For example, one recent innovative social media campaign by Barkbox let squirrels take over the companyҳ social media profiles. While many people were confused and worried that the marketing stunt had been hacked, the campaign proved a great way to create awareness about the company and its products. It has also helped the company get more people interested in its products. In addition to creating a brand awareness, marketers can use many different methods of advertising to increase their sales. The most common of these is advertising. Getting your name out there on billboards, subways, and buses is a great way to reach people. You can also use point-of-sale displays and promotional items to promote your product or service. By incorporating these techniques, you can attract more customers, increase sales, and boost customer loyalty. The postUsing Social Media to Increase Sales and Customer Loyalty appeared first onSMB Place.
Using Social Media to Increase Sales and Customer Loyalty
