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How To Size A Whole House Generator
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Are you considering purchasing awhole house generator but unsure about which size will suit your needs? Look no further. This article is here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to correctly size a whole house generator for your home. From determining your power requirements to selecting the appropriate generator capacity, we will walk you through all the necessary steps, ensuring that you make an informed decision and never have to worry about unexpected power outages again. So, letҳ get started on finding the perfect size generator to keep your home running smoothly! Determining Power Needs Compile a List of Appliances and Equipment When sizing a whole house generator, it is essential to start by compiling a comprehensive list of all the appliances and equipment that you want to run during a power outage. This should include major appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units, as well as other essential equipment like water pumps, heating systems, and security systems. Calculate the Wattage Once you have a list of all the appliances and equipment, you will need to determine their wattage. The wattage is the amount of power that each appliance or piece of equipment requires to operate. You can usually find this information either on the appliance itself or in the manufacturerҳ specifications. Consider Starting Power Requirement In addition to the wattage, it is essential to consider the starting power requirement for certain appliances. Some appliances, such asair conditioners and refrigerators, require a higher amount of power to start up than they do to run continuously. This starting power requirement, also known as surge power or startup wattage, needs to be taken into account when sizing your whole house generator to ensure it can handle the initial power demand. Determine the Total Power Needs After calculating the wattage and taking into account the starting power requirements, you can determine the total power needs for your whole house generator. Add up thewattage of all the appliances and equipment to get an estimate of the minimum power capacity your generator should have. Types of Whole House Generators Standby Generators standby generators are permanent power solutions that are installed outside your home and connected directly to your electrical system. These generators are designed to automatically turn on within seconds of a power outage and can power your entire home. They run on either natural gas or propane and provide a reliable, uninterrupted source of power. Standby generators are typically more expensive than portable generators but offer greater convenience and higher power capacities. Portable Generators Portable generators are a more flexible option and can be easily transported and used wherever needed. They are usually powered by gasoline, propane, or diesel fuel and are a popular choice for homeowners who only need to power a few essential appliances during an outage. Portable generators come in a range of sizes, from small units that can power a few appliances to larger models that can handle more significant power loads. Standby Generators Automatic Transfer Switch One of the key features of standby generators is theautomatic transfer switch (ATS). The ATS monitors the utility power supply and switches the generator on automatically when an outage is detected. It also transfers the power supply from the utility to the generator seamlessly, ensuring a continuous flow of electricity to your home. The ATS eliminates the need for manual intervention during a power outage, providing convenience and peace of mind. Sizing for Standby Generators Sizing a standby generator involves determining thepower capacity required to meet the electrical needs of your home during an outage. This includes considering the size of your electrical panel, the number of circuits you want to power, and the total wattage of all appliances and equipment. It is recommended to consult with a professional electrical contractor to ensure the correct sizing and installation of a standby generator. Sizing for Standby Generators Consideration for Load Management While sizing a standby generator, it is crucial to consider load management. Certain appliances, such as air conditioners or heating systems, may have a higher power requirement than others. Prioritizing loads and managing power usage can help optimize the performance of your standby generator while maintaining essential services during a power outage. Determining Load Prioritization To determine load prioritization, consider which appliances and equipment are essential for your safety, comfort, and well-being during an outage. These may include refrigeration for storing food, medical equipment, or critical heating or cooling systems. By ensuring that these essential loads receive priority power, you can maximize the capabilities of your standby generator. Estimating Load Balance and Growing Power Needs When sizing a standby generator, it is also essential to estimate the load balance among different circuits and appliances. Ensuring a balanced power distribution can prevent overload situations and optimize the generatorҳ performance. Additionally, it is important to consider future power needs as your household may grow or your power requirements may change over time. The postHow To Size A Whole House Generator appeared first onPortable Power UP.
How To Size A Whole House Generator
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Are you considering purchasing awhole house generator but unsure about which size will suit your needs? Look no further. This article is here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to correctly size a whole house generator for your home. From determining your power requirements to selecting the appropriate generator capacity, we will walk you through all the necessary steps, ensuring that you make an informed decision and never have to worry about unexpected power outages again. So, letҳ get started on finding the perfect size generator to keep your home running smoothly! Determining Power Needs Compile a List of Appliances and Equipment When sizing a whole house generator, it is essential to start by compiling a comprehensive list of all the appliances and equipment that you want to run during a power outage. This should include major appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units, as well as other essential equipment like water pumps, heating systems, and security systems. Calculate the Wattage Once you have a list of all the appliances and equipment, you will need to determine their wattage. The wattage is the amount of power that each appliance or piece of equipment requires to operate. You can usually find this information either on the appliance itself or in the manufacturerҳ specifications. Consider Starting Power Requirement In addition to the wattage, it is essential to consider the starting power requirement for certain appliances. Some appliances, such asair conditioners and refrigerators, require a higher amount of power to start up than they do to run continuously. This starting power requirement, also known as surge power or startup wattage, needs to be taken into account when sizing your whole house generator to ensure it can handle the initial power demand. Determine the Total Power Needs After calculating the wattage and taking into account the starting power requirements, you can determine the total power needs for your whole house generator. Add up thewattage of all the appliances and equipment to get an estimate of the minimum power capacity your generator should have. Types of Whole House Generators Standby Generators standby generators are permanent power solutions that are installed outside your home and connected directly to your electrical system. These generators are designed to automatically turn on within seconds of a power outage and can power your entire home. They run on either natural gas or propane and provide a reliable, uninterrupted source of power. Standby generators are typically more expensive than portable generators but offer greater convenience and higher power capacities. Portable Generators Portable generators are a more flexible option and can be easily transported and used wherever needed. They are usually powered by gasoline, propane, or diesel fuel and are a popular choice for homeowners who only need to power a few essential appliances during an outage. Portable generators come in a range of sizes, from small units that can power a few appliances to larger models that can handle more significant power loads. Standby Generators Automatic Transfer Switch One of the key features of standby generators is theautomatic transfer switch (ATS). The ATS monitors the utility power supply and switches the generator on automatically when an outage is detected. It also transfers the power supply from the utility to the generator seamlessly, ensuring a continuous flow of electricity to your home. The ATS eliminates the need for manual intervention during a power outage, providing convenience and peace of mind. Sizing for Standby Generators Sizing a standby generator involves determining thepower capacity required to meet the electrical needs of your home during an outage. This includes considering the size of your electrical panel, the number of circuits you want to power, and the total wattage of all appliances and equipment. It is recommended to consult with a professional electrical contractor to ensure the correct sizing and installation of a standby generator. Sizing for Standby Generators Consideration for Load Management While sizing a standby generator, it is crucial to consider load management. Certain appliances, such as air conditioners or heating systems, may have a higher power requirement than others. Prioritizing loads and managing power usage can help optimize the performance of your standby generator while maintaining essential services during a power outage. Determining Load Prioritization To determine load prioritization, consider which appliances and equipment are essential for your safety, comfort, and well-being during an outage. These may include refrigeration for storing food, medical equipment, or critical heating or cooling systems. By ensuring that these essential loads receive priority power, you can maximize the capabilities of your standby generator. Estimating Load Balance and Growing Power Needs When sizing a standby generator, it is also essential to estimate the load balance among different circuits and appliances. Ensuring a balanced power distribution can prevent overload situations and optimize the generatorҳ performance. Additionally, it is important to consider future power needs as your household may grow or your power requirements may change over time. The postHow To Size A Whole House Generator appeared first onPortable Power UP.
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What Minerals Deplete When You Fast?
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Fasting can deplete the bodyҳ stores of minerals, especially during prolonged fasts or during periods of exercise when electrolytes can be lost during sweat.
OPEN ME Join the Reset Academy!
TIMELINE: 00:00 Intro
01:06 Does fasting deplete minerals?
01:37 Importance of minerals in our body
02:06 3 mineral deficiencies that show up with fasting
03:37 Signs of low in potassium
04:46 Magnesium for your health
05:44 Why is magnesium so important for women?
06:24 Signs of low in magnesium
07:02 What are the health benefits of sodium?
08:33 What minerals should I take when fasting?
09:58 My favorite mineral supplement NOTES: Why are minerals so important?
-brain, muscle, nerve function
-energy production
-hydration Why are so many people depleted in minerals?
-excess sweating
3 mineral deficiencies that show up with fasting 1.Potassium
-nerves to function
-muscles to contract
-helps cells move waste out and nutrients in How do you know itҳ low?
Feeling of skipped heart beats or palpitations.
Muscle damage.
Muscle weakness or spasms.
Tingling or numbness.
Restless leg syndrome 2.Magnesium
-muscle function
-nerve function
-energy production MAYO CLINIC: Low magnesium levels donҴ cause symptoms in the short term. However, chronically low levels can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.
https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/magnesium-supplements/faq-20466270 WOMEN ONLY:
-need more in pregnancy/reduces leg cramps
-regulates blood pressure
-prevents osteoporosis
-mood changes in PMS
-migraines How do you know itҳ low?
muscle cramps.
muscle spasticity.
personality changes.
abnormal heart rhythms. 3.Sodium
-hydrates cells (both inside and out)
-muscle & nerve function How do you know itҳ low?
-weakness & fatigue
-irritability DoesnҴ it make your blood sugar go up?
-only in the presence of high insulin RESOURCES: LMNT Electrolyte Packets:https://bit.ly/3soW12G
MULTI MINERAL PLUS:https://bit.ly/min-plus
Upgraded Magnesium:https://bit.ly/3AQbgoA
Upgraded Potassium:https://bit.ly/3iTyVOB
Resetter Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-resetter-podcast/id1503897906
What Does It Mean When You Lose Your Hair While Fasting?https://youtu.be/ZUUCnOwiAdY ****
Dr. Mindyҳ Website:https://drmindypelz.com Reset Academy:
https://resetacademy.drmindypelz.com Dr. Mindyҳ Facebook Page:
https://www.facebook.com/drmindypelz Dr. Mindyҳ Facebook Group:
http://bit.ly/Resetters Resetter Podcast:
https://drmindypelz.com/resetter-podcast Dr. Mindyҳ Tiktok
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Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.